Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finding a Dream and Helping Others


          Unhealthy Me

In January 2009 I never imagined I would be where I am today.  I am the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life.  I played basketball in school but once I gave up basketball I turned into a very skinny fat person.  I didn’t eat properly, consuming Hostess items for breakfast, avoiding lunch and only eating dinner.  I remember wanting to be so skinny that for one week I basically starved myself.  I was of normal weight until I delivered my fourth baby and one year after his delivery I was actually larger than when I gave birth to him or any of my children.  I had given up on life and gained fifty pounds in the process.  Suffering from postpartum depression, I was an emotional eater and binge eater.  If I was stressed I turned to a pan of brownies because they always made me feel better.  The only problem the euphoria wore off fast and the walls crashed down again. I was a size 20 and being 5’5” that was very large for me.  I weighed more than my husband and I was very ashamed.  Being skinny isn’t healthy and although my business name is “Skinny Mom Challenge” I do not promote poor eating habits. 


People ask, “What made you change?” I changed because I was miserable with myself and one person gave me some encouraging words that put a little Spark in my mind.  I decided I wanted to make a change and I didn’t want to feel helpless, tired, out of breath tying my shoes, and I wanted to enjoy life with my family.  These were things I wasn’t doing. Instead I watched while my kids played I didn’t get involved and play with them. But I started making small changes; I stopped drinking sweet tea which was something I was completely addicted to.  I didn’t realize by drinking sweet tea I was consuming over 300 calories in just the large tea and I was averaging one to two of sweet tea a day.  My next goal was exercise; I began by using the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred which was only 20 minutes.  I felt great!  Then I began reading more about healthy eating and the importance of vitamins and supplements to help provide the vital vitamins and nutrients and energy for may workouts.  I lacked the vitamins and nutrients because of my unhealthy choices my entire life.  By making GRADUAL changes and becoming more confident I began running with a group at my local gym.  I wasn’t a runner; actually I never ran any distance only sprints for basketball.  I began running in February and completed my very first race a half marathon Indianapolis Mini Marathon and completed it with a very good friend in just 2 hours!

          New Life

Once I made these changes and lost over 60 pounds my family friends began to ask me what I did to lose weight.  Fast forward almost four years later now I am coaching women and men to become healthy and fit.  I have worked with clients as far away as Alabama and I have experienced the joy and excitements of watching them complete their goals.  One challenger completed a half triathlon, another ran her first 5K race (running the entire race), and another losing weight while having major problems with her feet.  It’s exciting and it is truly my one passion in life!  I think the very best experiences was watching my best friend who has suffered from obesity his entire life lose over 200 pounds in about two years.  He inspires me every day and there isn’t a day that I don’t share his story with others who have just given up hope.  Everyone can make a new life but it takes one small step to begin that journey.


The system I share with people truly works.  In order to lose weight everyone needs encouragement, someone to believe in them and a little help believing in themselves.  The challenges offer an opportunity to meet other people going through the same problems and obstacles as others, while also coaching proper eating, exercise and supplementation to help provide a complete well balanced weight loss program.   The Skinny Mom Challenge provides accountability with weekly weigh in and measurements.   Connecting on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Skinnymomchallenge is just one of the ways to succeed. The Skinny Mom Challenge offers a variety of ways to lose weight and includes 12 weeks of coaching in the comfort of your own home.  The best thing it’s for men too!   The 24 Day Challenge is one of the best ways to truly help jump start your weight loss journey and get started on the right foot while getting a total of 12 weeks of coaching!  I do not promote eating only shakes for meals two times a day instead I teach you how to eat healthy and teach your children healthy habits too.  Let’s face it, is it fair for you to be eating healthy while your kids are still eating junk?  Sucking down a shake while your children eat fast food, macaroni and cheese and who knows what else is only setting them up for failure. 

Skinny Mom Challenge Offers:

                24 Day Challenge

                14 Day Max Challenge

                10 Day Jump Start Cleanse Challenge

All challenges require eating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, good fats, and incorporating some form of exercise. 

            What are you waiting for?

Start the New Year with a New You!  Don’t sit on the sidelines anymore instead join the crowd and enjoy life.  Get fit and help others change their lives by inspiring them. 

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