It is time to dust off your goal sheet. If you haven't been faithfully looking at your goal sheet you really need to see just how far or close you are to your goals. You cannot successfully lose with if you don't make a plan! People who set goals have the greatest success with weight loss.
The holiday season is fast approaching and you do not want to get sucked into gaining your weight you have successfully lost. It is time to hit the gym and do some fat blasting circuit workouts, join a class, and find a workout partner to push you. If you don't go to a gym then purchase the Jackie Warner, XTREME TIMESAVER TRAINING DVD, guaranteed 30 minutes of fat blasting strength and cardio workout. This workout will tone your body and burn that fat!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Scared ME!
Fear: Apprehension or dread of something that will or may happen in the future.
When I started my journey I was scared to death of failing. I was fearful of going to a public place to exercise and mostly I was fearful about the possibility that exercising and eating healthy might not change my mental state. I learned that courage crushes fear! While I was at home working out with Jillian Michaels on my big screen T.V., little did I know I was gaining courage and confidence day by day. I also learned that fear is only a feeling that comes to me but I make a choice to be strong and overcome my fears. I also have learned that fear leads to disastrous results. I have many friends that have been diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure. These friends still continue on the path of destruction because they are lacking the courage and confidence to be strong and GROW! How many of you during this challenge are still fearful of what your outcome might be?
You cannot live your life in fear. But you also need to know that courage can be developed it doesn’t just occur overnight. Fear causes discouragement and discouragement causes disaster. The disaster’s I am talking about is lack of self-confidence, withdrawing from people, binge eating, and depression. Once you begin a workout routine that you enjoy and you begin to find healthy foods that you love, you will slowly begin to take back your life and try new adventures. The first time I stepped on the mats for kickboxing I was so sick to my stomach because of my nerves and because I was so fearful that people were watching and judging me. I wanted to die or better yet crawl in a hole and hide. Instead I sucked it up and made myself take the class. In that first class, I realized beating on those bags helped clear my head and I stopped thinking for at least an hour about how miserable my life was or how embarrassed I was. Also I was so worried about taking one in the face that distracted me too!
Today as I taught kickboxing I watched a group of women really beat into the bags. I have women in their twenties on up to their late 40’s early 50’s who participate in my class. They love the opportunity to drop their fears at the door and really focus on themselves instead of everyone else. I watched one of my participants encourage her partner throughout her entire workout. These women are learning kickboxing they are not masters and best of all they are losing their fear of embarrassment or that they can’t accomplish something and they are gaining a new more confident women. One important thing the bible says is “The Lord is my light whom shall I fear” the only person or thing you should fear is the Lord. Not the crazy things we think of in our own heads. Remember fear keeps you from moving forward so if you haven’t had any progress in this challenge maybe it’s because you need to let go of the fear and work on GROWING your courage. You can develop courage and one great way is to seek help. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is “For I can do everything through Christ, who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13. This is a verse I repeat to myself when I am fearful and think I cannot do something.
We have three weeks left in this challenge and I know there are several of you who have just given up. I am here and I will help you but you have to have the courage to ask for help. If you are struggling call me. Sign up for the next challenge don’t let yourself down by quitting. Reach for the Stars! Set some goals for the next three weeks and make one of them to get to eating healthy and exercising for the next three weeks. You might surprise yourself!

The New Fearless Me!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Skinny Mom Success Story
Rhonda's success story 

I start every New Year like most with a goal to lose weight. I start with a crash diet, promise myself to work out or start walking and it usually lasts until February when I get tired of not getting to eat the foods I like. I go right back to eating everything that is bad for me. But this year was different; I have five children which are growing up as we speak. My kids range from 21 years of age to 12. Yes, that is right I have a junior in college but this year it hit me that my kids are growing up and I am growing older. I decided that I want to be around for my grandchildren that will come in many years.
I decided that needed to start losing weight but I didn’t know where to begin. I kept seeing a posting from a friend about a challenge for skinny moms and I thought this would be right for me. My friend introduced me to Jennifer, we met one Sunday morning and we talked about her adventure of losing weight and exercise. She introduced me to SMC (Skinny Mom Challenge), she told me I could do it if she could. Jennifer expressed that you have to keep focused and anything was possible and I don’t know how or why but something clicked and I decided that I could do this.
January, 2010, I joined my first SMC and had the biggest support team then I thought possible. Through this challenge we were guided down the right path such as how to keep motivated, what vitamins our bodies needed, also what we needed to do for exercise. The SMC would send encouraging emails and I remember one being sent when we had a new snow. Jennifer told us to not get down because it snowed but to see the good things about a fresh snow. She reminded us to keep our heads up and that her weight loss didn’t happen overnight and I think that really hit home because I knew then to take it slow and steady to make this a life endeavor. SMC also motivated me by having us weigh in weekly keeping us accountable for our decisions. My weight was coming off but the inches weren’t so my next challenge was starting to walk or to do aerobics. My walking started with 30 minutes four times a week and has grown to now walking over 3 miles with the encouragement of my husband. I have feet problems and I honestly didn’t think I could walk more than a mile a day. I was determined that feet problems were not going to stop me. The next battle was what to do if the weather did not allow me to walk so I started doing aerobics. I wasn’t going to pay out a lot of money on videos when so much is offered on cable or satellite. I did some channel surfing and found some shows for me to perform.
Around June of this year, I decided to take the things that Weight Watchers and SMC had taught me and I started counting calories and continuing the walking. This has spread over to my family since I had to start cooking differently. I learned quickly that processed foods and pizza was loaded with calories. My husband also wanted and needed to lose weight so he started eating whatever I ate and he too has lost a total of 35 pounds. My children are also learning and keeping me on track. My daughter reminds me to add my calories into the computer. She helps me choose what to eat, for example, from the gas station when I need a low calorie chocolate fix. This has been a battle every day and will continue to be but I have found an inner willpower and dedication that I thought I wouldn’t find again. I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 43 pounds. I am not done yet and I would still like to lose about 10 to 20 more pounds. My biggest challenge is how to keep cooking healthy and be on a budget.

I start every New Year like most with a goal to lose weight. I start with a crash diet, promise myself to work out or start walking and it usually lasts until February when I get tired of not getting to eat the foods I like. I go right back to eating everything that is bad for me. But this year was different; I have five children which are growing up as we speak. My kids range from 21 years of age to 12. Yes, that is right I have a junior in college but this year it hit me that my kids are growing up and I am growing older. I decided that I want to be around for my grandchildren that will come in many years.
I decided that needed to start losing weight but I didn’t know where to begin. I kept seeing a posting from a friend about a challenge for skinny moms and I thought this would be right for me. My friend introduced me to Jennifer, we met one Sunday morning and we talked about her adventure of losing weight and exercise. She introduced me to SMC (Skinny Mom Challenge), she told me I could do it if she could. Jennifer expressed that you have to keep focused and anything was possible and I don’t know how or why but something clicked and I decided that I could do this.
January, 2010, I joined my first SMC and had the biggest support team then I thought possible. Through this challenge we were guided down the right path such as how to keep motivated, what vitamins our bodies needed, also what we needed to do for exercise. The SMC would send encouraging emails and I remember one being sent when we had a new snow. Jennifer told us to not get down because it snowed but to see the good things about a fresh snow. She reminded us to keep our heads up and that her weight loss didn’t happen overnight and I think that really hit home because I knew then to take it slow and steady to make this a life endeavor. SMC also motivated me by having us weigh in weekly keeping us accountable for our decisions. My weight was coming off but the inches weren’t so my next challenge was starting to walk or to do aerobics. My walking started with 30 minutes four times a week and has grown to now walking over 3 miles with the encouragement of my husband. I have feet problems and I honestly didn’t think I could walk more than a mile a day. I was determined that feet problems were not going to stop me. The next battle was what to do if the weather did not allow me to walk so I started doing aerobics. I wasn’t going to pay out a lot of money on videos when so much is offered on cable or satellite. I did some channel surfing and found some shows for me to perform.
Around June of this year, I decided to take the things that Weight Watchers and SMC had taught me and I started counting calories and continuing the walking. This has spread over to my family since I had to start cooking differently. I learned quickly that processed foods and pizza was loaded with calories. My husband also wanted and needed to lose weight so he started eating whatever I ate and he too has lost a total of 35 pounds. My children are also learning and keeping me on track. My daughter reminds me to add my calories into the computer. She helps me choose what to eat, for example, from the gas station when I need a low calorie chocolate fix. This has been a battle every day and will continue to be but I have found an inner willpower and dedication that I thought I wouldn’t find again. I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 43 pounds. I am not done yet and I would still like to lose about 10 to 20 more pounds. My biggest challenge is how to keep cooking healthy and be on a budget.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Persistence Pays
When you are working on goals there are days you will find you have setbacks. Don’t get discouraged and quit, instead pick up and try again. Instead of always thinking how you want it now, start thinking of how you are going to get there. In time it will come! I love the saying Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect the scale to say you have lost five pounds in your first week, two weeks, or even three. Sometimes your body takes a little bit of time to get into the groove and once you’re in it’s on. Plus remember you didn’t become overweight overnight. Focusing on persistency instead of instant results will keep you from getting discouraged and quitting once again.
There are days you are going to be off your game. You will eat badly or you will just refuse to get out of bed. Don’t sweat it! Get up the next day and start again keep your focus on your goals and you will be sure to succeed. If you haven’t set goals then you are going to spin your wheels. It is very important to have many goals. Don’t focus on the BIG number; instead break it down into smaller and easier goals.
Daily goals: eliminate pops from your entire day. If you can make it through your first day then I’m sure the second will be that much easier.
Weekly goals: consistently hit the gym or exercise at home at least three times a week for no less than 30 minutes.
Monthly goals: lose 4-5 pounds and you’re thinking that’s it? Why only 4-5 pounds? Well because healthy, realistic weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week and since there are only 4 weeks in month average it out. Another great way to reach your goal is by taking your larger number of weight loss say 50 pounds and divide it by 2 (pounds per week) your answer should come out to 25 (weeks). Now you know it should take you about 25 weeks give or take a little to lose 50 pounds. This is totally doable I know this because I lost close to 60 pounds in 28 weeks!
If the challenge is not working for you then ask yourself, how committed am I to this challenge? Are you just luke warm and only going through the motions or are you really committed to making changes. Have you said, “I really need to make positive choices daily”. Do you find yourself saying, “I’m going to start working out tomorrow” or “I’m going to start eating healthy tomorrow.” Don’t put yourself off any longer. It’s ok the old you was the slacker, weak, and wanted pity for becoming overweight. The new you is strong, happy, confident, and best of all kicking some serious booty losing weight. Now which one are you?? Make a commitment, be persistent and suck it up! This journey is going to be tough and there will be a lot of blood, sweat, and tears but if you can unleash the stronger women inside of you it’s completely attainable.
There are days you are going to be off your game. You will eat badly or you will just refuse to get out of bed. Don’t sweat it! Get up the next day and start again keep your focus on your goals and you will be sure to succeed. If you haven’t set goals then you are going to spin your wheels. It is very important to have many goals. Don’t focus on the BIG number; instead break it down into smaller and easier goals.
Daily goals: eliminate pops from your entire day. If you can make it through your first day then I’m sure the second will be that much easier.
Weekly goals: consistently hit the gym or exercise at home at least three times a week for no less than 30 minutes.
Monthly goals: lose 4-5 pounds and you’re thinking that’s it? Why only 4-5 pounds? Well because healthy, realistic weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week and since there are only 4 weeks in month average it out. Another great way to reach your goal is by taking your larger number of weight loss say 50 pounds and divide it by 2 (pounds per week) your answer should come out to 25 (weeks). Now you know it should take you about 25 weeks give or take a little to lose 50 pounds. This is totally doable I know this because I lost close to 60 pounds in 28 weeks!
If the challenge is not working for you then ask yourself, how committed am I to this challenge? Are you just luke warm and only going through the motions or are you really committed to making changes. Have you said, “I really need to make positive choices daily”. Do you find yourself saying, “I’m going to start working out tomorrow” or “I’m going to start eating healthy tomorrow.” Don’t put yourself off any longer. It’s ok the old you was the slacker, weak, and wanted pity for becoming overweight. The new you is strong, happy, confident, and best of all kicking some serious booty losing weight. Now which one are you?? Make a commitment, be persistent and suck it up! This journey is going to be tough and there will be a lot of blood, sweat, and tears but if you can unleash the stronger women inside of you it’s completely attainable.
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