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Excuse or Something Else? |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Excuses Or Simply not Ready for Change
Monday, August 10, 2015
Why Avoiding Food is Making You Fat
Set Goals:
Big Goal:
SMART goals
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Are You a Weekend Food Bender?
Monday, July 27, 2015
Success Comes With Time
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
You Are The Competition
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Mental Illness
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Register for Small Group Kettlebell Training
When: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
August 3rd - October 3rd
Time: 6-6:45 a.m.
Where: 2717 S. Morgantown Road, Greenwood, IN 46143 (Upstairs East Balcony Gym)
Cost: $149 for three months or $50 a month UNLIMITED CLASSES
Additional Class Times: M/W/F 5:15 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.
Tues/Thurs. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 8-9 a.m.
Register HERE
For: Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced/ All Ages
*********All members are taught proper technique in order to use kettlebells.**********
Friday, July 10, 2015
One Size Doesn't Fit All When Training
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One Size Doesn't Fit All |
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Road to Gains
What is the FITT principle?
F= Frequency- Increase your frequency of training to improve fitness or increase muscle. This means if you currently train three days a week then increase it to four, five or six. Progress using the ten percent rule to reduce injury.
I= Intensity- Increasing the intensity by increasing the load, reps or sets.
T= Time- Increase the duration of your workout time. If you currently complete 40 seconds of swings, squats or run for 30 minutes then it's time to increase the time. You can also decrease your rest time.
T= Type- Change up your exercise routine! Believe me when I say the body becomes bored with the same training. If you currently do body build try another form of resistance training like Powerlifting! Add some Yoga for body weight exercises or simply do some days of good old calisthenics. Go back to old school training; pull-ups, squats and deadlifts this hits multi-group muscles. Compound movements are your friend.
Always remember the ten percent rule when progressing your exercise. This will help your body avoid potential injuries. Injuries that often occur due to excessive increase in workload are tendinitis, shoulder impingements, bursitis and stress fractures. Listen to your body and progress and a manageable rate that the body can handle.
Also remember to take a rest when your body just don't seem to be performing as well. Watch for symptoms of overtraining or burnout.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Cardio From HELL
Lifting Heavy and Fueling My Body
Single Leg Deadlift
Set 1/ 12 Rep/ 88 lb.
Set 2/ 12 Rep/ 88 lb.
Set 3/ 8 Rep/ 97 lb.
Set 4/ XX
Double KB Front Squats
Set 1/ 12 Rep/ 77 lb.
Set 2/ 10 Rep/ 79 lb.
Set 3/ 8 Rep /88 lb.
Set 4/ 7 Rep/ 97lb.
Set 1/ 12 Rep
Set 2 / 12 Rep
Set 3/ 12 Rep
Strict Pull-up SS Narrow Grip
Ring Rows
Set 1/ 4 Rep SS
12 Rep
Set 2/ 2 Rep SS 10Rep
Set 3/ 6 Rep (Band Assisted) SS 5 Rep
Bicep Curls BB
Set 1/ 12 Rep/ 45 lb.
Set 2/ 10 Rep/ 55 lb.
Set 3/ 9 Rep/ 55 lb.
Tricep Dips Plate Loaded
Set 1/ 12 Rep/ 25 lb.
Set 2/ 8 Rep/ 35 lb.
Set 3/ 10 Rep/ 45 lb.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Journey to Competition
In six years I've managed to set several fitness goals. Goals I set and achieved include;
Losing 60 plus pounds
Learning Muay Thai
Complete a half marathon (2)
Complete a 15K Trail Run
Master Pull-ups
Become an RKC
My goals for 2015-2016:
1. Graduate January 2016 with my Bachelors in Kinesiology Major Fitness Management and Personal Training and Minor Health Education. Can't wait! Only three more classes remaining plus my internship.
2. Compete in April 2016 in my first Bikini competition.
It's important to have goals in order to keep you motivated. Is it necessary for them to be something big? NO! Goals can be as simple as; I will train four days a week. This is a simple goal for someone who wants to see more results but only goes to the gym once a week. Goals are prioritizing something you want and working towards it with a plan. "I want to go on vacation to Europe." When do you want to go? How are you going to pay for it? Set the plan and put yourself into action to achieve the goal.
My goals aren't for everyone and that is okay. Don't discourage anyone if they tell you something they desire to achieve. If you don't agree with their goal it's okay. Be there to support them and give them encouraging words. Listen don't speak. Sometimes people just need you to listen without giving input. I am putting my goal out there because if I don't I won't do it. I will bail out because I am terrified or don't believe I can get myself ready.
Road to training Workout
Hex Bar Deadlifts Set 1 195#/12 Rep
Set 2 - 205#/10 Rep
Set 3- 21115#/10 Rep
Step-Ups Set 1 - 88#/ 12 Rep
Set 2 - 88#/11 Rep
Set 3- 97#/ 8 Rep
Renegade Rows Set 1- 35#/ 12 Rep Rt/Lt
Set 2- 44#/12 Rep
Set 3- 53#/ 8 Rep
Floor Press Set 1- 35#/12 Rep Rt/Lt
Set 2 - 44#/ 8 Rep
Set 3- 44#/8 L/ 9R Rep
Double Kettlebell Cleans
Set 1- Dbl 35# / 12 Rep
Set 2- Dbl 44#/8 Rep
Set 3- Dbl 53#/6 Rep
Single Kettlebell Press
Set 1- 35#/12 Rep Rt/Lt
Set 2- 44# / 8 Rep Rt/Lt
Set 3 - 44#/ 8 Rep Rt/Lt
Cardio- 53# Kettlebell One Arm Swings 100 Reps in 5:00 minutes
Skill- Turkish Get-up 10 minutes 1 R + 1 L , 5 Sets with 5 second pause each transition
30# Kettlebell
Preworkout- 8 oz coffee
Post Workout- Beverly International Muscle Provider (1 Scoop) 8 oz water
1 Small apple
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Coaching Available
Lifestyle and Fitness Coaching
This 90 Day Challenge will teach you:
How Do I Start?
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Stop Violence Against Women
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Lose 10 Pounds in Seven Days! B.S.

- Think about genetics, instead of comparing your body to
ridiculous models or fitness magazines look at your family. If you
have shorter, thicker family members you cannot change genetics. If
you have long, lean family members and you want to put on mass, be
realistic about how large you can get.
- Eat a well-balanced diet- If you avoid eating foods
then you become a fat storing machine. I'm positive you don't want
that and it won't help you achieve your goals.
- Consume your Macro-nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins
and Fats. Yes fats! Good
fats; nuts, avocados and natural peanut butters are a few.
- Caloric Restriction needs to be at a maximum of 1000
k/cal a day but if you train then stick to 500. We do rigorous
training and I couldn't perform if I cut my calories to some unimaginable
- Gain muscle by avoiding alcohol, eating lean proteins,
consuming good carbohydrates (lots of vegetables) and resistance exercises
(6-12 reps at 67-85% 1RM). This will allow for muscle hypertrophy.
- If you want substantial amounts of body mass lost
quickly the consequence is substantial amounts of lean muscle lost.
- Gradual weight loss allows for maximum fat loss and
maintaining lean muscle mass.
- Do not cut calories lower than 1800 to 2000 if you
train frequently.
- Avoid Low Energy Density foods- Like chicken broths,
fruits, and don't eat salads every day!
- Record how you feel before, during and after a meal.
Also journal if you are a binge eater or stress eater.